the time is now

Hush and Listen Up!

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people has came.
my facebook

Loeisa Sunur's Facebook profile

all about me
Hi all~ 안녕하세요~

My name is Loeisa Sunur but I believe a lot of people know me as Lisa or my forum's name FinCh (yes! with capital "C" because I've seen another person using the same name with me but he/she write it with lowercase so I trying to differ my nick name using the uppercase "C").

I love Korean Star specially Rain (비) and Lee Jun Ki (이준기).

And I love to see WonderGirls (원더걸스), BigBang (빅방), SHINee (샤이니), 2PM, and 2NE1 on stage.
about this skin
This is the 2nd skin that I made myself and I started it from nothing! So I really happy when I finished this skin (eventhough it's very simple kkk~)

This skin I dedicate to my sister's nearly-born-baby.

She really loves Winnie The Pooh so she wants all about Baby Pooh for her baby's stuff. And so, I made this skin for welcoming the new baby.
my latest writing

안녕 내 친구, 내 Roommate~
~July 12th, 2009~
웅이야, 난 어떻게 ?
Still With The Korean Friends
The Baby-Girl Has Born!
Second Day in Indonesia, Go To Mall(s)
노래방 and The Final
Indonesia Open 2009 - SemiFinal
*~June 17, 2009~*
My Korean Friends Are Coming !

my history

October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
December 2009

let's chat

my friends and link


Music Playlist at

my guests

me teacher : Lissa.Explains.It.All
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Our Little Reunion
Saturday, July 18, 2009

I don't know what title will I use so I'm giving the same title as my photo album on facebook~
Gpp-lah, biar terkesan nyambung yah Photobucket

So, this reunion has been planned about 3-4 days before..
But because of the bomb blast yesterday.......ah yes, I haven't talk about that in here~

There's a bomb blast at J.W. Marriott (again) and The Ritz Carlton at Friday morning, just before 8AM...
It's so scary~ and about 9 people has died Photobucket (from the last news I heard)...
"Giving my condolences to them all~"
I was woke up late that day (around 12PM), and when I watch the news, the updates are everywhere on the TV Photobucket
Woah~! I wonder why is this thing happened again.......!
Gw kira setelah hidup tenang tanpa bom selama beberapa tahun ini, keberadaan teroris di Jakarta sudah agak tertekan, ternyata tahun ini mereka memulai lagi aksinya...
Entah apa yang salah dengan otak mereka...
Mau-maunya ngelakuin bom bunuh diri!
I don't know what to call someone like that, stupid? idiot? nekat?
Gw bingung ama orang yang bisa dengan gampang diracunin dengan kata-kata "masuk surga"..apanya yang bakal masuk surga kalau sampai membunuh orang lain??
PLUS! Bunuh diri pula.....
Gw menganggap bunuh diri adalah hal yang paling hina...
Udah bagus di kasih kehidupan, bukannya dihadapi dengan melakukan sesuatu yang baik yang berguna bagi orang banyak, malahan disia-siakan dengan cara bunuh diri~
Huh~ really stupid~!
Apalagi dengan alasan yang bener-bener ga penting!!

So after that incident, I really don't want to go to the mall...
I was scared if something happened to me and my friends...
So, I'm moving the meeting point from Senayan City to Bekasi...
But, because of that, akhirnya ada yang ngebatalin ga jadi pergi gitu...
Yah~ emang c tempat ketemuannya jadi agak jauh..tapi gw bener-bener ga mau ambil resiko deh dengan ketemuan di mall-mall besar gitu...
Lagian ada juga ortu dari temen gw yang ga ngebolehin ke mall, so I think that is a good decision, isn't it?? (no??)

Jadi akhirnya kita ketemuan hanya berlima...
Yah lumayanlah daripada dulu gw pernah ngerencanain gini juga, yang ketemuan cuman bertiga...and garink pula! hahaha...
This time I really have a refreshing time Photobucket feels like we're moving back to our old times kkk~

But at the journey home, one of my friend got a phone call Photobucket from her father..
Bokapnya bilang kalo nyokapnya sesak nafas gitu....
Paniklah kita di mobil, jadinya gw nganterin temen gw balik dulu ke rumahnya, biar cepet...tapi pas kita sampai rumahnya ternyata udah dibawa ke rumah sakit ama koko-nya...
Terus, karena dia ga mau ngerepotin kita gitu (emang udah malem juga c) akhirnya dia melanjutkan perjalanannya sendiri ke RS Carolus (did I write it right??)...
Untungnya gw dapat kabar kalo nyokapnya baik-baik aja...
Thanks GOD~

And......I really forgot that I've the latest LeeHom's CD Heart Beat hahaha...
Just got remembered when I arrived at my friend's house at Bekasi kkk~
I really love the packaging Photobucket~
Besides CD, he giving out his schedule back then at 2008 on a book...
I've never seen anyone giving things like this before kkk~~

*the 2009 calendar and the 2008 LeeHom's schedule*

*January schedule*
which the picture is about his concert in Indonesia and the gifts from Indonesian fan


wrote by Loeisa @ 11:33:00 PM