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all about me
Hi all~ 안녕하세요~

My name is Loeisa Sunur but I believe a lot of people know me as Lisa or my forum's name FinCh (yes! with capital "C" because I've seen another person using the same name with me but he/she write it with lowercase so I trying to differ my nick name using the uppercase "C").

I love Korean Star specially Rain (비) and Lee Jun Ki (이준기).

And I love to see WonderGirls (원더걸스), BigBang (빅방), SHINee (샤이니), 2PM, and 2NE1 on stage.
about this skin
This is the 2nd skin that I made myself and I started it from nothing! So I really happy when I finished this skin (eventhough it's very simple kkk~)

This skin I dedicate to my sister's nearly-born-baby.

She really loves Winnie The Pooh so she wants all about Baby Pooh for her baby's stuff. And so, I made this skin for welcoming the new baby.
my latest writing

Twittering and Me2Day-ing
This Weekend~
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince
Our Little Reunion
안녕 내 친구, 내 Roommate~
~July 12th, 2009~
웅이야, 난 어떻게 ?
Still With The Korean Friends
The Baby-Girl Has Born!

my history

October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
December 2009

let's chat

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Happiness Become Sadness
Monday, August 17, 2009

Woohoo~ Happy Independence Day
But still feels sad because of yesterday's incident..

Yesterday supposed to be a happy day...
Because, at last, I managed to went to Bandung with my online friends..
But what happen later really make me sad.... ㅠ.ㅠ last me, Chamie and Nana went to Bandung because of the long vacation..
But we're not going to slept over at Bandung, just going to have round trip...
We're take off from Jakarta at 8.30AM and managed to arrived at Bandung around 11AM..
After met Jenny at Paris Van Java, we're went to Nanny's Pavillon to have lunch~
Makanannya lumayan enak di situ, tapi tadinya mau pesan Baked Rice namun sold out..
Dunno if it's really sold out or emang belum ada, baru ada di menu doang..
Abisnya kata Jenny, rumah makan baru sih ^^
Akhirnya cuman makan Mushroom Fetucine, yang gw rasa lebih enak punya Pancious hehe..
Tapi pancake-nya enak c, apalagi cheese-nya... WOW banget !!
Kita pesen Blueberry Chesse Roll Pancake as the dessert kkk~

And then and then....going to factory outlet...tadinya pengen beli baju kayak yang SeungGi pake di dramanya Shining Inheritance..
Gw pernah liat ada di jual di Episode tapi pas sampai di sana ternyata udah ga dijual lagi.. hixhix..
Padahal si Woongi sempet beli tuh, harusnya gw juga beli, tapi waktu itu gw ga tau itu merk apaan hixhixhixhix.... sedihnya~~

Abis itu pergi beli batagor bentar trus ke Ciwalk...
I've never went to Ciwalk before, this is my first time hehehe....
At Ciwalk, kita jalan-jalan bentar and tiba-tiba udah jam 6PM aja tuh, akhirnya makan Zuppa soup di OhLaLa Cafe daripada harus berhenti lagi di jalan buat makan hehe....
But when I want to take photo with my camera....JRENGJRENGJRENG...MY CAMERA IS GONE !!

Really panic and don't wanna eat anymore...
I just want to go and found my camera !!
Tapi akhirnya makan dikit terus ngelapor ke bagian informasi and akhirnya bikin surat hilang di security office...

Padahal tuh kamera masih gw pake foto-foto di lantai 3-nya Ciwalk..
Entah dimana hilangnya...but I'm sure someone stole it from me..
Yang gw bingung mah, bisa-bisanya ada yang ngambil dari gw..
Padahal gw ini orangnya paling waspada ama gini-ginian..
Apalagi sewaktu gw jalan itu, kayanya sepi-sepi aja and ga ada orang yang nempel-nempel ama gw buat nyuri barang gw...
Sampai gw nulis ini pun gw masih entah gitu deh diambilnya pas gw lagi dimana...
Tapi sepertinya di exhibition di bawah itu, abisnya di situ gw sadar kalo tas gw kebuka, tapi ngeceknya tuh dompet soalnya itu yang paling gede and gampang keambil..
Ga ngecekin kamera hixhixhix.....

Mau jadi apa gw tanpa tuh kamera...
Dia udah gw bawa-bawa selama hampir 2 tahun...
Gw ga pernah keluar rumah tanpa ngebawa tuh kamera...
Udah serasa seperti handphone and dompet...
Dia udah sampai ke Cina, bahkan ade gw pun sempet bawa ke Jerman...hixhixhix..
Serasa udah jadi bagian dari keluarga~~

*my camera*

And my camera has a flower-sticker under the "Olympus"...
Dan juga penutup lensa-nya udah karatan, tulisan "OK/Function"-nya juga udah karatan..
Tulisan "IMAGE STABILIZATION"-nya pun udah mau ngilang-ngilang..
Pokoknya udah ga bagus gitu deh kondisinya, tapi gw suka banget pakenya..
Udah biasa soalnya, plus hasilnya juga bagus...
Banyak banget deh kenangan pake itu kamera hixhixhix....

wrote by Loeisa @ 2:06:00 PM